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we don't cut corners, we clean them

Trevion Wilson

Trevion Wilson

April 6

How does solar panel cleaning increase Performance

Are you wondering if solar panel cleaning is worth the effort? Many people believe that the impact of dirt and pollutants on solar panel performance is insignificant. But what if I told you that occasional cleaning could actually increase the performance of your solar panels? In this article, we will explore the relationship between solar panel cleaning and performance to help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways:

  • Regular cleaning of solar panels can increase energy efficiency.
  • Cleaning flat panels and those located in bird-prone areas may provide a small boost in performance.
  • The impact of dirt and pollutants on overall panel performance is minimal.
  • Solar panel monitoring systems can help identify underperformance and the need for cleaning.
  • Maintaining clean solar panels can contribute to optimal performance and longevity.

How Can You Tell if Your Solar Panels are Not Performing?

To ensure your solar panels are functioning optimally, it’s crucial to monitor their performance regularly. By measuring their output and assessing various factors such as cloud cover, time of day, seasonality, and shading, you can identify any potential issues. While most solar monitoring systems provide information on electricity production, they often lack specific data to pinpoint underperformance.

That’s where advanced solar monitoring systems like Solar Analytics come in. These systems go beyond the basics and analyze local weather data using advanced algorithms to track solar production effectively. By comparing the expected performance based on specific conditions to the actual output, these systems can identify any significant discrepancies or underperformance.

“Solar monitoring systems can be a game-changer when it comes to the performance of your solar panels. With advanced analytics and accurate data, you can quickly detect any issues and take appropriate action,” says John Anderson, a solar energy expert at Zeal Power Washing.

Investing in a reliable solar monitoring system can provide several benefits. Not only does it help you detect and address underperformance early on, but it also gives you valuable insights into your solar panel’s efficiency and energy savings potential.

Monitoring Systems for Early Detection of Underperformance

Solar Monitoring SystemFeatures
Solar Analytics– Analyzes local weather data- Tracks solar production using algorithms
Enphase Enlighten– Provides real-time monitoring- Generates detailed reports- Alerts for system issues
Sense Energy Monitor– Measures energy consumption- Tracks solar panel production- Offers insights via smartphone app

By leveraging solar monitoring systems such as Solar Analytics, Enphase Enlighten, or Sense Energy Monitor, you can stay informed about your solar system’s performance at all times. These systems empower homeowners and installers to take timely actions to rectify any issues, ultimately maximizing energy savings and ensuring the long-term effectiveness of their solar panels.

Next up, we’ll explore how solar panels accumulate dirt and the potential impact on their performance.

How Do Solar Panels Get Dirty?

Solar panels are exposed to various sources of dirt and debris that can impact their performance over time. Understanding how solar panels get dirty is essential in determining the maintenance and cleaning requirements necessary to keep them functioning optimally.

Some of the common sources of dirt and pollutants that can accumulate on solar panels include:

  • Bird droppings
  • Road grime
  • Dust and dirt
  • Pollutants

Bird droppings can be particularly troublesome for solar panels, especially if they are installed in areas where birds frequently gather. The collection of droppings can block sunlight and reduce the efficiency of the panels.

Road grime, including dust and dirt kicked up from traffic, can also settle on solar panels, affecting their ability to capture sunlight effectively. However, natural weather conditions such as rain and wind often help wash away these pollutants.

Additionally, nearby trees can cause tree pollen, flowers, and leaves to land on solar panels. While these can be removed by wind or water, they can still contribute to the overall dirtiness of the panels.

The Impact of Dirt on Solar Panel Performance

“Dirt and debris accumulation on solar panels can reduce their performance and energy production capacity.”

Dirty solar panels can experience a decrease in the amount of sunlight they can capture and convert into electricity. Over time, this can lead to a decrease in energy production and lower overall efficiency.

It is crucial to note that the impact of dirt and pollutants on solar panel performance is relatively small. Studies have shown that even with minimal cleaning, the net change in panel output over the course of their lifetime is typically no more than 5%.

While dirt and debris can affect solar panel performance to some extent, the impact is generally minimal and does not warrant frequent cleaning. However, in specific circumstances such as bird-prone areas or flat panels with minimal angles, occasional cleaning may be beneficial to mitigate performance degradation.

Source of DirtImpact on Performance
Bird droppingsCan significantly reduce efficiency if not cleaned regularly
Road grime, dust, and dirtMinimal impact as weather conditions often wash them off
PollutantsMinimal impact as panels are designed to withstand exposure to various pollutants

Regular monitoring of solar panel performance is essential to identify any significant declines in output that may be attributed to dirt or other factors. In most cases, occasional cleaning and natural weather conditions are sufficient to maintain optimal panel efficiency.

Next in the article, we’ll explore how dirty panels can affect performance and discuss whether cleaning flat solar panels is necessary.

How Does Dirty Panel Affect Performance?

When it comes to solar panel performance, there is a natural degradation over time due to exposure to the elements. However, the impact of dirt and other pollutants on panel performance is minimal. Studies have shown that even dirty panels experience no more than a 5% net change in output over their lifetime.

The slight decrease in performance can be attributed to weather variations and algorithm estimation rather than panel dirtiness. Therefore, the overall impact of dirty panels on performance is small.

It’s important to note that the 5% decrease in output is within the range of normal performance fluctuations for solar panels. Factors such as weather conditions and algorithm calculations play a larger role in the overall performance of the panels.

“The slight decrease in performance is likely attributed to weather variations and algorithm estimation rather than panel dirtiness.”

In conclusion, while it is beneficial to keep solar panels clean for aesthetic reasons and to maintain optimal performance, the small impact of dirt on performance degradation suggests that occasional cleaning may not be necessary for all panel installations.

Performance Degradation Comparison

ConditionPerformance Degradation
Clean PanelsMinimal performance decline
Dirty PanelsSmall impact on performance
Weather VariationsSignificant impact on performance fluctuation
Algorithm EstimationContributes to overall performance calculations

Should You Clean Flat Solar Panels?

When it comes to solar panel installations, tilt is generally considered optimal for maximum performance. However, some installations feature flat solar panels, which can accumulate more pollutants over time. This raises the question: should you clean flat solar panels? Let’s explore the impact of cleaning on the performance of these panels.

Google, known for its commitment to sustainable energy, conducted an interesting experiment involving their flat solar panels situated in a sandy and dusty environment. These panels had not been cleaned for a duration of 15 months. The results were remarkable. After cleaning the panels, the energy output doubled. This experiment highlights the potential benefits of cleaning flat solar panels.

It is important to note that the impact of cleaning on tilted panels nearby was minimal. This suggests that the performance improvement observed after cleaning flat panels may be specific to their design and arrangement. While the improvement may be less significant for panels with a tilt, occasional cleaning is still important to maintain optimal performance.

Regular cleaning plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and efficiency of solar panels. By removing accumulated dirt, dust, and other pollutants, you can maximize the energy generation potential of your flat solar panels.

The Impact of Cleaning on Performance

Panel TypeConditionsChange in Performance
Flat Panels (after cleaning)Sandy and dusty environmentEnergy output doubled
Tilted Panels (after cleaning)N/AMinimal improvement

As shown in the table, cleaning flat panels in a sandy and dusty environment resulted in a significant improvement in energy output. However, the same level of improvement was not observed for tilted panels. This indicates that the design and exposure of the panels play a role in the impact of cleaning on their performance.

Therefore, if you have flat solar panels that can be safely cleaned, it is advisable to consider occasional cleaning to maintain their optimal performance. Regular cleaning will help ensure that your flat solar panels continue to generate energy efficiently and contribute to your overall energy savings.

Next, we will explore the factors that can affect the need for cleaning solar panels, including the location and potential sources of dirt and pollutants.

Factors Affecting the Need for Cleaning

The location of your solar panels plays a crucial role in determining their cleanliness and the necessity for regular cleaning. If your panels are installed under trees, near wires, or antennae that attract birds, they are more likely to accumulate bird droppings and other debris. However, you’ll be glad to know that nature often takes care of cleaning these droppings for you. The sun’s rays and the rain clean the droppings off the panels, as they can cause more damage to the droppings themselves than to the panels.

Cicada residue can also be a persistent challenge to remove from panels. It’s a combination of cicada sap, pollen, and dust that can cling to the surface. In such cases, monitoring your solar output becomes crucial. If you notice any drops in performance, it may be an indication that it’s time for cleaning.

I always keep an eye on my solar output. If I notice any decrease in performance, it’s a sign that my panels may need cleaning. It’s important to maintain their efficiency and ensure they generate as much electricity as possible.

When it comes to cleaning your solar panels, it’s essential to take into account the specific conditions of your location and the type of dirt that may accumulate. Regular monitoring and prompt cleaning can help ensure your panels remain in top shape, maximizing their performance over time.

The Importance of Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning of solar panels is crucial to ensure optimum performance, improve efficiency, and maintain the validity of the warranty. While some may believe that rainwater can effectively clean solar panels, studies have shown that it is not sufficient to remove all pollutants and dirt. To maximize the benefits of solar panel cleaning, it is recommended by many solar panel manufacturers and installation companies as a warranty condition.

“Regular cleaning of solar panels is crucial to maintain their optimal performance and protect your investment.”

Research has demonstrated the significant impact that cleaning solar panels can have on their efficiency. In residential arrays, cleaning can improve efficiency by up to 21%, while in commercial installations, the increase can be as high as 60%. These improvements in efficiency directly translate to increased energy production and greater energy savings over time.

By cleaning your solar panels regularly, you can also prevent the build-up of dirt and debris, which can hinder their performance. The accumulation of pollutants such as dust, bird droppings, and grime can block sunlight absorption and reduce the energy output of the panels. Cleaning them regularly ensures that they function at their highest capacity, generating the maximum amount of electricity.

Why Rainwater Cleaning is Insufficient

While rainwater can help remove some surface-level pollutants from solar panels, it is not efficient enough to provide a thorough cleaning. Rainwater alone may not eliminate stubborn dirt, bird droppings, or other contaminants that may adhere to the panel surface. Therefore, relying solely on rainwater for cleaning may result in decreased panel performance over time.

The Benefits of Regular Cleaning:

Improved EfficiencyRegular cleaning can lead to a significant increase in the efficiency of solar panels, resulting in higher energy production and greater savings.
Warranty ProtectionCleaning your solar panels as recommended by manufacturers and installers ensures that you comply with warranty conditions, safeguarding your investment.
Prevention of Dirt Build-upRegular cleaning helps prevent the accumulation of dirt, bird droppings, and debris that may hinder the performance of solar panels by blocking sunlight absorption.

Investing in regular solar panel cleaning not only ensures the longevity and optimal performance of your panels but also offers long-term financial benefits. By maximizing efficiency and energy production, you can increase your return on investment and enjoy greater energy savings.

Next, I’ll discuss best practices for cleaning solar panels, whether you choose to hire a professional or attempt it as a DIY project.

Best Practices for Cleaning Solar Panels

If you’re considering cleaning your solar panels, there are a few best practices to keep in mind. While hiring a professional solar cleaning company is the safest option, you may also choose to clean the panels yourself. However, it is important to be well-prepared and take the necessary precautions to avoid damaging the panels.

Here are some tips for effective and safe solar panel cleaning:

  1. Avoid pressure washers: Pressure washers can be too strong and may damage the panels or their delicate components. It’s best to use gentler cleaning methods.
  2. Use non-corrosive chemicals: If you need to use a cleaning solution, make sure it is specifically designed for solar panels and is non-corrosive. Harsh chemicals can cause damage and reduce panel efficiency.
  3. Pure water: When cleaning the panels, use pure water to minimize the risk of mineral deposits or residue. Impurities in tap water can leave marks or streaks on the surface of the panels.

If you’re not confident in your cleaning abilities or want to avoid any potential risks, hiring a professional solar cleaning company is highly recommended. They have the necessary expertise, equipment, and training to clean solar panels effectively without causing any harm.

With professional solar cleaning, you can ensure that your panels are thoroughly cleaned and maintained, promoting optimal performance and energy production. Zeal Power Washing is a trusted company that offers professional solar cleaning services to help you keep your panels in top condition.

professional solar cleaning

The Benefits of Solar Panel Cleaning

Regular solar panel cleaning offers several benefits. By improving efficiency, panels can generate more electricity and provide a better return on investment. Cleaning also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your solar panels and allows for regular inspections to check for any issues or damage. Maintenance and cleaning of solar panels are essential to ensure their longevity and optimal performance.

When solar panels are dirty and covered in debris, their performance can be significantly affected. Dirt, dust, bird droppings, and other pollutants can obstruct sunlight from reaching the panels, reducing their efficiency and output. By regularly cleaning your solar panels, you can remove these obstructions and improve their overall performance. This increased efficiency translates to more electricity generation, which can lead to greater energy savings and improve your return on investment.

Besides improving performance, keeping your solar panels clean also enhances their aesthetic appeal. Clean panels not only look more visually pleasing, but they also give the impression of a well-maintained and efficient energy system. Whether you have solar panels installed on your home or business, maintaining their cleanliness adds to the overall curb appeal and value of your property.

Furthermore, regular cleaning allows for thorough inspections of your solar panels. During the cleaning process, you or a professional can carefully inspect the panels for any signs of damage, such as cracks, loose connections, or wear and tear. Identifying these issues early on can prevent further damage and ensure that your solar panels continue to operate optimally for years to come.

With the numerous benefits that solar panel cleaning brings, it is important to consider regular maintenance as an essential part of your energy-saving strategy. By improving efficiency, enhancing aesthetic appeal, and allowing for inspections, cleaning your solar panels helps maximize their performance, prolong their lifespan, and ultimately maximize your return on investment.

Trust Zeal Power Washing, the preferred pressure washing company, to provide professional and reliable solar panel cleaning services. Visit Zeal Power Washing to learn more about their expertise and schedule a cleaning consultation.

Benefits of Solar Panel Cleaning

Improved EfficiencyClean panels lead to increased electricity generation and better return on investment.
Aesthetic AppealClean panels enhance the visual appeal of your property, adding to its overall value.
Regular InspectionsCleaning allows for thorough inspections to detect any issues or damage early on.


Solar panel cleaning plays a crucial role in maintaining the peak performance and maximizing energy savings of your solar system. While dirt and pollutants have a minimal impact on panel performance, occasional cleaning is recommended for flat panels or those located in bird-prone areas to achieve a small increase in efficiency. However, it’s important to note that the overall performance loss due to dirty panels is insignificant, and investing in additional solar panels may offer a better return on investment.

To ensure optimal performance and longevity of your solar panels, regular monitoring and maintenance are essential. Monitoring systems can help you track the output of your panels and detect any underperformance. Additionally, scheduling periodic maintenance, including cleaning by a trusted professional like Zeal Power Washing, can prevent the build-up of dirt and debris and safeguard your warranty.

By prioritizing solar panel cleaning and maintenance, you can improve the efficiency of your system, enhance its aesthetic appeal, and conduct regular inspections for any damage or issues. Remember, the cleanliness of your solar panels contributes to their overall performance, making it an important aspect of maintaining your investment and maximizing your energy savings.


How does solar panel cleaning increase performance?

Solar panel cleaning can increase performance by removing dirt, dust, and other pollutants that can block sunlight from reaching the panels. This allows the panels to absorb more sunlight and generate more electricity, resulting in improved efficiency and energy savings.

How can you tell if your solar panels are not performing?

To determine if your solar panels are not performing well, you need to measure their output and monitor factors such as cloud cover, time of day, seasonality, and shading. Advanced solar monitoring systems, like Solar Analytics, can analyze local weather data and track solar production to identify underperformance.

How do solar panels get dirty?

Solar panels can accumulate dirt and debris from various sources, including bird droppings, road grime, dust and dirt, smoke, and nearby trees. While rain, wind, and natural weather conditions can wash away some pollutants, panels located under bird gathering spots or with minimal angles may accumulate bird droppings that block light.

How does dirty panel affect performance?

While dirt and other pollutants have minimal impact on solar panel performance, occasional cleaning can provide a small increase in efficiency, particularly for flat panels or those located in bird-prone areas. However, overall, the impact of dirt on panel performance is insignificant, with a net change of no more than 5% over the lifetime of the panels.

Should you clean flat solar panels?

Flat solar panels, which may accumulate more pollutants, may benefit from occasional cleaning. A study by Google found that cleaning flat panels after 15 months doubled their energy output. However, the impact of dirt on tilted panels is minimal, and cleaning may not result in significant improvements in performance.

What factors affect the need for cleaning?

The location of your solar panels can affect how dirty they become and whether cleaning is necessary. Panels located under trees, wires, or antennae that attract birds may accumulate more bird droppings. Monitoring your solar output can help identify any drops in performance and prompt cleaning.

What is the importance of regular cleaning?

Regular cleaning of solar panels can lead to increased efficiency, protect your warranty, and prevent the build-up of dirt and debris. Many solar panel manufacturers and installation companies recommend regular cleaning as a warranty condition. Cleaning can improve efficiency by up to 21% in residential arrays and up to 60% in commercial installations.

What are the best practices for cleaning solar panels?

Hiring a professional solar cleaning company is generally the safest option, as they have the equipment and training to clean panels effectively without damaging them. If you choose to clean the panels yourself, it is essential to be well-prepared and avoid using pressure washers or harsh chemicals that can damage the panels.

What are the benefits of solar panel cleaning?

Regular solar panel cleaning offers several benefits. By improving efficiency, panels can generate more electricity and provide a better return on investment. Cleaning also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your solar panels and allows for regular inspections to check for any issues or damage. Maintenance and cleaning of solar panels are essential to ensure their longevity and optimal performance.


Solar panel cleaning plays a role in maintaining peak performance and maximizing energy savings. While dirt and pollutants have minimal impact on performance, occasional cleaning, especially for flat panels or those located in bird-prone areas, can provide a small increase in efficiency. However, the overall performance loss due to dirty panels is insignificant, and investing in more solar panels offers a better return on investment. Regular monitoring and maintenance of solar panels are crucial for optimal performance and longevity.


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